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Level 1
posted Mar 19, 2020 8:01:34 PM

Dependent University Students who also earn income

Wanting to file all dependent university children under one account, but can't bypass the dependents' income screen for our returns without their info. But the program is set up to calculate OUR returns first, so I don't yet have theirs calculated.

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4 Replies
Mar 21, 2020 2:34:19 PM


Each child should have their own returns completed and then you can do yours and enter the appropriate information about their income.

New Member
Apr 15, 2020 7:27:20 AM



Intuit Alumni
Apr 15, 2020 11:54:38 AM

You can't claim the eligible dependant amount, unless he is infirmed or with a disability then you also can claim the Canada caregiver amount. 


However, you can add his information under your return as a dependant (for information purposes) in case you are transferring tuition amount from him, or claiming medical expenses for him. When you add his date of birth, the software will disregard the eligible dependant amount, and you will be able to add his income and claim transferred tuition. 


I hope this was helpful


Returning Member
Jun 13, 2020 1:11:47 PM

This is still not clear.  I am not confident that I am filing properly and if I am paying too much to file.  

Here are the details:

My father, an accountant, has filed my spouse and my taxes through Netfile for years.

Our twins had not filed even through my dad did their taxes (my son worked in 2017 and 2018 and my daughter is just 2018).  I have now filed all taxes online and we are ready to file for 2019.


I was told that I could purchase the Standard edition of turbo tax to do all of of our returns.   In any case, I am filing for my son now and was told that IF I find that he did not owe taxes, I could then defer his tuition to either myself or my husband's return.  I could add the T2202 to their profile but add a note that we are claiming it.  So far, it seems to calculating my son's refund but not if he would pay taxes if he did not claim the T2202.  


Also, is it correct that we are to pay $20 pp? I believe when I spoke to an agent 3 weeks ago, Standard showed that I could submit up to 6 returns for one price.  Now it says $20 pp.  I'm confused.


Can I speak to someone this weekend?  Can I make changes or get a partial refund if I move forward to file?