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Level 1
posted Mar 9, 2024 12:24:53 PM

Do I need CRA account

I and my husband left Canada in 2023, but half a year we were working and living there. Now we both have T4 forms. We made our taxes in 2022, but haven't got CRA accounts. Now I am trying to do our taxes via Turbotax. The question is can we have our returns together on my husband's Canadian bank account. Does the system ask how to send refund: on bank account or cheque. As we do not live in Canada the cheque is not a variant for us. Thank you in advance

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3 Replies
Mar 9, 2024 3:02:31 PM

No, you don't need CRA accounts to file a return.


If you are non-residents, you can fill out form NR304 - Direct Deposit for Non-Resident Tax Refunds and include it with your tax return to have your refunds sent to a Canadian bank account: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/forms/nr304.html


Level 1
Mar 9, 2024 10:51:58 PM

Is it possible to attach the form NR304 - Direct Deposit for Non-Resident Tax Refunds to my declaration using Turbotax? Can I do it by myself or it's better to take assistance of the specialist. I'm not in Canada and only online filling works for me

Mar 10, 2024 10:17:23 AM

If you are an emigrant or non-resident of Canada  you can't file online. You would either have to mail your return or fax it. So, you can download the NR304 form, fill it out manually, and add it to your return.