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Level 3
posted Feb 29, 2020 7:46:11 AM

ERROR "CPP/QPP contributions or pensionable earnings have been entered incorrectly. Check the amounts entered on your T4; particularly boxes 10, 14, 16, 17, 26, and 28. If the information entered matches your slips, please contact TurboTax support at htt

I have employment income (T4) and self-employment (T2125). Data entered from T4 alone poses no REVIEW ERRORS.  However, once I add self-employment income I am getting the REVIEW ERROR CODE "CPP Contributions or Pensionable Earnings entered incorrectly.... check T4...."  
I looked into Schedule 8 which seems to address CPP on Self-Employment income but 4 pages of data calculation is too much for me. Somewhere within this area the CPP contribution or the CPP Pensionable Earnings is corrupt and causing this error. Please review and provide a fix as I need to file my tax.


I am using Turbo Tax Installed from Disk purchased for 2019 Standard Tax Filing.

Please review the whole error message as copied below:  

ERROR "CPP/QPP contributions or pensionable earnings have been entered incorrectly. Check the amounts entered on your T4; particularly boxes 10, 14, 16, 17, 26, and 28. If the information entered matches your slips, please contact TurboTax support at https://support.turbotax.intuit.ca/contact/

2 17 4043
17 Replies
Level 1
Mar 3, 2020 2:53:43 PM

Any response to this problem? I'm getting exactly the same error under the same circumstances? Deleted everything and started fresh, same problem. 



New Member
Mar 3, 2020 5:23:43 PM

Same issue here, driving me crazy!

Level 3
Mar 3, 2020 6:58:24 PM

I received a message from another member advising that a fix was supposed to be ready on March 2, but it did not arrive!   I also checked to see if an update would fix the problem on my return but I still have the error on review.  I went so far as to manually calculate the entire tax return and compare to the Turbo Tax "line by line"  incl Schedue 8.  All seems to be accurate and proper amounts are flowing into the T1. I am quite comfortable that my manual filing is correct but I shouldn't have to do it this way.  I want a fix to this stupid error code iin Turbo Tax so I can file electronically.  I paid for the software and this is totally unacceptable. Very frustrating!  

Will post a response if I ever get one from Turbo Tax.  

Level 1
Mar 4, 2020 6:07:46 PM

Same Issue, triple checked everything. FIX THE ERROR IN THE SOFTWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Level 1
Mar 5, 2020 2:36:45 PM

Same error and no response from TurboTax.  

Level 2
Mar 5, 2020 3:19:19 PM

I have same error from online TurboTax, I have both a T4 and a T4A that automatically interprets as self-employment (it was from an employment program with training). When I try to Netfile it gives me the error and asks me to fix the lines, but I can't as it is automatic calculation from TurboTax.

I don't know whether print and send via mail or wait and see if this will be fixed, I have already tried to Netfile four times (deleting everything and doing all back again, and even filling from CRA data), all the same.

Does anyone know how to connect with TurboTax to report this problem without having to pay $50 to "review the return"?

Level 2
Mar 16, 2020 12:48:33 PM

I too have been getting this error....very frustrating as this has never happened before and I have been using TurboTax for at least 10 years. 

Level 1
Mar 17, 2020 4:33:00 PM

I'm also having the same error.  No response from TurboTax on this?????

Level 1
Mar 17, 2020 6:22:14 PM

I have this exact error when trying to submit my tax return using NETFILE. I have a T4 from employment, and a T4A from self-employment.  The error code is #90308 and my NETFILE is rejected by CRA.

Level 3
Mar 21, 2020 12:25:36 PM

We understand your frustration. Unfortunately, the only way to avoid this is to either not prepare the returns together or to file only yours and start a new return for your spouse. We apologize for any inconvenience to you.

Level 2
Mar 21, 2020 12:45:32 PM

This problem is with my sons return... it is not a joint return. He has had similar income prior years( T4 and self employment) and there has never been an issue like this. Very frustrating! 



Level 3
Mar 21, 2020 3:05:36 PM

I am informing community members of my most recent experience regarding the "CPP Contributions/Pensionable Earnings Error."  I finally received a phone call from Turbo Tax asking if 

"I" had resolved my problem?  Hello... I thought this was Turbo Tax's problem?  Apparently the higher educated in problem solving have provided a "FIX" for this problem and NO it did not come in the way of an "Update" to the software.  A month's worth of frustration and the resolve provided for MY PROBLEM is as follows....

IGNORE IT!  So, not because I am following their advise (because I don't like ignoring a problem), but because I did my tax return manually (the old-fashioned way) and compared it to the Turbo Tax software return and they were Identical.... so I was comfortable to put an end to the frustration and IGNORE THE ERROR.  Net result was that I was able to Continue with the Return.... and File it with Revenue Canada Electronically with SUCCESS!   This was a couple of days ago.  Today I received an email from Turbo Tax addressing the problem stating that I should file two returns instead of a combined return.  I just laughed!  With so much going on in our world today this small frustration is no longer a problem that I am wasting my time on.  My advise.... just hit Ignore the Error and File Your Return.  Good Luck! 

Level 2
Mar 21, 2020 8:17:37 PM

Thank you for the advice. Unfortunately, I cannot ignore it because it doesn't allow me to NETFILE! I had to print the forms and sent them via regular mail, which is really frustrating as I also had to pay for post (and for Turbotax), when I have been filing through Netfile for years...

I find it really frustrating that Turbotax doesn't offer chat or email or a phone to report this as THEIR problem.

Hope they figure out after talking to you...

Level 3
Mar 22, 2020 6:35:21 AM

Sorry to hear that you were unsuccessful at Netfile.  Luck of the draw I guess.  No rationale to THEIR problem or THEIR inability to fix it.

glad you printed and mailed.  Not worth the frustration so forget it... you are done now!  Perhaps  a request for credit on account as compensation is in order (on account for next year’s filing?)  If enough people on their case.... might hastened them along? Then again, with all that is going on with self-isolation... maybe they are short staffed?  Patience and allowances perhaps in order for this year? 

Level 1
Mar 22, 2020 12:37:32 PM

Dear LyndaLee,


Please, very please, help me. How did you "Ignore" the error, and send the tax report through NETFILE??

Is there an option for you to click or to select to "Ignore" the error and send it in TurboTax? I certainly could NOT find any option for me to click or to select to "Ignore" the error and send it in TurboTax.



As soon as I click the "NETFILE CRA" button in TurboTax (see picture above), the error 90308 will pop up to indicate that my tax return has not been accepted by the Canada Revenue Agency. It contains errors that MUST be corrected. 


May you very please write a step-by-step instruction on how to "Ignore" the error and send the tax report through NETFILE in TurboTax? Because I had lost my job recently due to the corona virus, I need the tax refund to pay my rent. So please help me.


Thank you a million time in advance for your invaluable help.

New Member
Apr 22, 2024 8:17:14 AM

The problem is that the CPP overpayment calculation on Schedule 8  Part3 line 14 is not getting move to T1 General Form Line 4 4800.  

Unfortunately there is no way to contact Turbo Tax to let them know there is a problem, so it will never get fixed. 

Add if it does not get fixed you can not file using net file.  Very Frustrating!!!

If any one know a way to contact a human at Turbo Tax to get this fixed that would be awesome.


Intuit Alumni
Apr 22, 2024 8:29:51 AM

To speak to a representative and in order to help you with this situation, we believe your best option is to contact our telephone support team for further assistance, as they have the option to view your screen to help resolve the issue. To contact them, please follow this link: Contact Us. When asked if you wish to receive an email say NO then say "speak to a representative" then hold the line. If a resolution is not reached, please ask for an escalation to investigate the problem.

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