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Level 2
posted Mar 6, 2023 3:31:34 PM

Filing interrupted after Autofill

After a successful Autofill (receipts listed), the Turbo Tax session abended with ERROR 400.


This Error is not documented at Turbo Tax. Trying to recover the session was impossible; starting a new Tax Return yields no Autofill option anymore.


What happened? What about the personal/tax data in the session that went to who knows where?


Messy. Help

Help? Please...?

0 1 591
1 Replies
Mar 12, 2023 11:29:28 AM

Error 400 is an internet error that basically means that one server didn't understand what the other server was saying. If you can't see the Auto-Fill option anymore, please clear your browser cache (or use a different browser) and try again. If you are still not able to resolve this issue, please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608 for more help.