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New Member
posted Apr 13, 2024 9:51:10 PM

Form T777 (1) : Line 16 - Calculation of work-space-in-the-home expense not carrying to Line 9945

I am doing a tax return for a salaried employee required to work from home (with a T2200), who  may deduct some home expenses according to CRA. CRA requires doing this via T777 form. However, when attempting to include these home expenses on Line 22900  (by filling out form T777 (1) or T777(2)) , the form T777 does not seem to work.  After entering the required information in the Line 16- Calculation of work-space-in-the-home expense section of  form T777 (1) or (2) , the resulting deduction does not carry back to Line 9945 of form T777, and  therefore does not appear on Line 22900 of T1 General. I am using a downloaded version of TurboTax Premier 2023. Actually, not sure why there are two forms (T777 (1)  and T777 (2)) that appear to be the exact same. There is no explanation for this in TurboTax help or on the website. Help with this would be appreciated.




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1 Replies
Apr 14, 2024 12:44:53 PM

Please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608 as they will be better able to assist you.


FYI: There are 2 T777 available in case you worked for 2 different employers, or you had two different cars or homes, etc...