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New Member
posted Mar 13, 2024 7:45:45 PM

Form t7777 when you have a T2200 is not clear how to fill this out using the on line version of the software as it does not match how CRA states to calculate expenses.

For example turbo tax indicates how many rooms in your home and how many you use yet CRA has it based on square footage.  The calculator on CRA does not match Turbo tax.  

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3 Replies
Intuit Alumni
Mar 14, 2024 6:37:13 AM

Please indicate how many rooms you are using. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is looking for # of rooms or square footage as the method. When claiming home office expenses, there are two methods of calculation. You can pick either 

  • the # of rooms in the house versus the # of rooms you used as an office or
  • the square footage of the house versus the square footage of your office space.

Should the CRA ask in the future, for the method of calculation you used, you would inform them that you used the number of rooms in the house versus the number of rooms you used as an office.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member
Mar 14, 2024 4:10:18 PM

Thanks for the help.

If CRA allows us to use the square footage calculation why is it that I can not use that with turbo tax online software?   Another thing which is unclear in using the online version of turbo tax where would you put the expenses such as your internet, and heating?  I attempted to put in the expenses where I thought it should go but it made no difference to the refund amount.  

When I was looking at canada.ca there is a calculator that makes it really easy to figure out but your software is very unclear.  Can you provide more assistance?  It appears that the online version you are unable to actually override lines which makes no sense.  I know what lines on form T777 that my expenses needs to go on.  

Mar 14, 2024 4:26:29 PM

You do have the option to use Area instead of number of rooms. 


There is also a spot specifically marked for heat. It might not be making a difference when you enter it, because the amount might not be very large when divided based on the amount of space you are using for work.