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Returning Member
posted Nov 21, 2022 7:04:15 PM

How Can I include the Quebec tax withheld and QPP deductions for my returns reassessment ? what line numbers i need to add these details on the reassessment ? Pls advise

I lived/worked in QC and later moved/working in Ontario in 2021. I missed to add RL-1 details on my 2021 returns. Now i want to apply for reassessment with correct details from CRA "My Account"

0 3 1539
3 Replies
Nov 23, 2022 8:10:25 AM

When you start your return it will ask if you moved and the dates. Then as you continue into your Profile it will ask if you worked and after checking off that you have a T4- and a RL1- continue. You will then return to  your T4 slip by clicking on Income- T-Slips then, you will click on edit- at the bottom of your T4- just after status Indian-  You will see BOX E- Québec tax deducted from your Relevé 1 slip (Non-resident of Québec) This is where you will enter your amount.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.


Returning Member
Nov 23, 2022 8:16:45 AM

thanks a lot for the response. But, since I have filed the returns for 2021 and now to initiate a re-assessment with the updated tax deducted amounts I have, 

On the CRA My account,  on the "change your return" option, which line  I need to update with correct value??


If on my current assessment tax deducted show as $10000, Can I change it to $15000 which includes my Quebec tax deducted too and submit it on the CRA "My account" ?? 

Or I need to "refile"  the returns again ?? 

Nov 25, 2022 7:39:10 AM

As long as you have received your Notice of Assessment in the mail- only then can you use "Change my return" or ReFile.  You will need to open up your T4 and add the amount in box E. (You can do this as a ReFile).


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.