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posted Aug 14, 2022 9:34:05 AM

How do i enter revenue quebec tax credit for "Caregiver living with a person 70 or over without an impairment?

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1 Replies
Aug 15, 2022 6:59:25 AM

You will need to go to the Provincial section and continue until you get to the page which says "Your Québec Credits Profile" check off  "Claim tax credit for caregivers

You cannot claim tax credit for caregiver if someone is claiming you as a care receiver."

Click continue Tax Credit for Caregivers- tick off the answer and continue. When you get to Tax Credit for Caregivers - Check off-
I took care of an eligible relative 70 or over without an impairment who lived with me.


You will need to make sure that you have added them as your dependent.  Go to My Info- Dependent information- Do you have children or financially support another person? Say - Yes. Then enter their name and date of birth and continue. 

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