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posted Apr 2, 2023 2:26:44 PM

How do i indicate with turbo tax online that it is a terminal tax return?

I am using turbo tax online as part of the deluxe package.  There is no where in the process where it asked if i was filing return to others, or for someone who was deceased.

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1 Replies
Level 4
Apr 2, 2023 3:39:57 PM

To start, make sure you have all available T-slips and income information available for the deceased, as well as their date of death (DOD) and personal information. You'll refer to these documents while preparing their final return. 

Please note that The CRA requires all final returns to be physically processed. You'll need to print out and mail their return directly instead of using any electronic filing options.

TurboTax Online:

  1. When starting the return process, select Someone Else to the question Let’s get started. Who are you preparing this return for?
  2. Enter the name of the deceased and indicate that you're preparing the return for someone who has passed away
  3. Enter their date of death, then select Continue
  4. Complete the next sections of their return until you reach Let's get the rest of your info, where you'll need to provide additional personal information for the deceased. Select Continue once you've completed this section
  5. Answer questions about their residency, then select Continue
  6. Because a final return needs to be signed and mailed in, you'll then be asked for your mailing address and contact information. Be sure to enter your name under Care of
  7. Select Continue on each screen until completed

Please see our TurboTax article, 

How to Prepare Returns for Deceased Persons 

and TurboTax video for more information.


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