I initially selected the “split Pension” option both in my wife’s and my profile, than later on confirmed that I wanted to “skip Pension Splitting” but TurboTax did not update the numbers (calculation) as in the Year Over Year Comparison it still shows the same amount on the “Split-pension amount line”.
What do I have to do to have TurboTax recalculate the number
Thank you. This is clearly specified throughout TurboTax sections. However if like me you missed it and didn't pay close attention to the warnings, you will end up as frustrated as I was. However:
Better yet, go to the section summary, delete the whole line entry there, then go modify the checkbox. Once done, Save and go back to the section and field to re-enter the info/number you want to see. Save, and move on.
Are you using TurboTax CD/Download or TurboTax Online?
Please go back to the pension splitting page and click on the button for whoever's pension is being spilt. Then remove any amount that is there. Click "Continue" to save your changes.
To get back to the pension splitting page, click on the “Find” icon in the top right and search for “pen”. Select “Pension Split With Your Spouse” from the list and then click the “Go” button.
I did that, but the program doesn’t recalculate the totals to reflect the impact of the changes. I first modified the pension splitting option under my profile “what happened for you in 2023”, and later on click on the “Skip Pension Split” button on the Pension Splitting window, to no avail. The initial entry remained and the totals and allocations remained unchanged.
Before removing the checks on the options, you need to first go remove the amounts in the forms as indicated by TurboTax Susan above, then you go remove the checks in the interview. If not done in that order the Split Pension will not be removed.
If further help is required, we believe your best option is to contact our telephone support team for further assistance, as they have the option to view your screen to help resolve the issue. To contact them, please follow this link: Contact Us.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
Thank you. This is clearly specified throughout TurboTax sections. However if like me you missed it and didn't pay close attention to the warnings, you will end up as frustrated as I was. However:
Better yet, go to the section summary, delete the whole line entry there, then go modify the checkbox. Once done, Save and go back to the section and field to re-enter the info/number you want to see. Save, and move on.
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When using the pension split function Turbo Tax adds the amount split to my spouses income but does not recalculate the pension amount in my income. I have tried splitting several different amounts but the pension amount in my income does not change.
I am seeing the same issue. Any help is appreciated. I'm pretty sure last year that my pension amount was lowered by the amount split to my spouse once the pension splitting took place.
Example: if my pension is 75000, and turbotax does the splitting and determines that 25000 should go to my husband's for maximum benefit to us, shouldn't my pension amount in my income summary change to 50000?
I know how to do the pension splitting but Turbo Tax doesn't. If you read my original post you would understand that.
You are correct, the amount transferred to the spouse should be subtracted from the donor's pension amount. But TT does not do that and there is no way to override it.
Can you please look under the Detailed Tax Summary- you should see your proper amounts there. If you can send us a picture or screenshot so we can view- or if you prefer you can contact our phone support who can view your screen to see where the error is and fix it for you.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
I see it now in detailed...it comes up under "deduction for elected split pension amount".