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New Member
posted Oct 31, 2019 1:53:47 AM

I can't navigate through TurboTax 2018. All links on the left in the Easystep are grey with the lock symbol beside it?

I can't navigate through TurboTax 2018. All links on the left in the Easystep are grey with the lock symbol beside it. I tried to re-download the software but the problem wasn't solved. I'm running Windows 10.

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2 Replies
Level 15
Oct 31, 2019 1:53:48 AM

Once you answer the questions in the "Introduction" section of your TurboTax download/installed version, you will be able to continue. These links will remain greyed out until you complete the basic information.

New Member
May 25, 2020 2:11:09 PM

I'm having the same problem. I did my taxes last week up to Netfile, awaiting my husband's net income to file. Now he wants my net income but I can't get back into the return to find the info. It still tells me how much tax I have to pay, so the info's there. I click on the "Introduction" but nothing happens. Please help.