Your taxable dividend does not equal your actual amount of eligible dividends multiplied by 138% plus your actual amount of ordinary dividends multiplied by 116%, ..." I verified my R slips, they are OK. I saw similar question - no answer."
no kidding.. I have been waiting for an hour on the phone to get an answer
I kept getting the same error message. I finally figured out that I needed to go to the Relevé 16 slip (NOT in EasyStep) to delete the negative value that appeared next to "Dividend earned from January 1 to March 27." Once I did that, I was able to file online.
I cannot access the link. Got this error:
You do not have sufficient privileges for this resource or its parent to perform this action.
Click your browser's Back button to continue.
How do I get access?
That answer was from 2019, so the post may have been deleted. But here is Lynda's answer:
You should verify all Slips that apply to you by following those instructions :
Relevé 3:
Box A1 should be equal to boxes A11+A12. So if boxes A11 and A12 are at $0 and Box A1 is >0, you should make the correction
Box A2 should be equal to boxes A21+A22. So if boxes A21 and A22 are at $0 and A2 is >0, you should make the correction
Relevé 15:
Box 6A1 should be equal to boxes 6A1+6A2. So if boxes 6A1 and 6A2 are at $0 and 6A1 is >0, you should make the correction
Box 6B1 should be equal to boxes 6B1+6B2. So if boxes 6B1 and 6B2 are at $0 and 6B1 is >0, you should make the correction
Relevé 16:
Box C1 should be equal to boxes C11+C12. So if boxes C11 and C12 are at $0 and C1 is >0, you should make the correction
Box I for Taxable amount of dividends should be equal to box C1 x 1.38
Box C2 should be equal to boxes C21+C22. So if boxes C21 and C22 are at $0 and C2 is >0, you should make the correction
Box I for pour Taxable amount of ordinary dividends should be equal to box C2 x 1.16
NOTE: a common error is Box I being filled twice with the same number even if the description of both boxes are different.
Relevé 25 :
A1 should be equal to boxes A11+A12. So if boxes A11 and A12 are at $0 and A1 is >0, you should make the correction
Box F for Taxable amount of dividends should be equal to box A1 x 1.38
A2 should be equal to boxes A21+A22. So if boxes A21 and A22 are at $0 and A2 is >0, you should make the correction
Box F for Taxable amount of ordinary dividends should be equal to box A2 x 1.16
If you are still not able to resolve this issue, please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608.
In the Releve 3, screen, I don't see the A11 and A123
My problem was Releve 16.
Those good forms do not have all the fields mentioned either.
The cause for me was that there is a duplicated form with the wrong data.
The I cell does not equal C1 x 1.38.
Does anyone know how to fix my probem.
My Releve 3 does not have A11 or A12 cell.
If having problems try the following:
carefully check your T3/RL-16 (QC) forms in TurboTax if you did not enter manually - as many seem to have issues with additional forms having been uploaded by investment firms.
Look into your T3 (CRA)/RL-16 (QC) forms; I had the same issue as many others and the problem was that there were several separate forms uploaded, then what originally looked like a summary (adding all entries) but for me it was a SEPARATE and DUPLICATE form but with some of the fields missing. After confirming that the last entry was indeed an error, I deleted this duplicate T4/RL16 and everything worked. Just filed QC. Good luck.