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New Member
posted Oct 30, 2019 2:01:54 AM

I dont know if I should put employment expenses in the GST taxable, HST taxable or Zero and exempt column

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1 Best answer
Level 6
Oct 30, 2019 2:01:55 AM

Thank you for your question.

The column you enter it, will depend on the type of tax that was include as part of the purchase.

For example- $100 expense, before taxes

If you paid GST, $105 would be entered in GST column

If you paid 13% HST, $113 would be entered in the HST column

If no taxes were paid, $100 would be entered in the exempt column.

2 Replies
Level 6
Oct 30, 2019 2:01:55 AM

Thank you for your question.

The column you enter it, will depend on the type of tax that was include as part of the purchase.

For example- $100 expense, before taxes

If you paid GST, $105 would be entered in GST column

If you paid 13% HST, $113 would be entered in the HST column

If no taxes were paid, $100 would be entered in the exempt column.

New Member
Oct 30, 2019 2:01:57 AM

if you paid GST and HST. What amount do you put in each of those columns? ie: home maintenance or internet?