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I'm not using TurboTax online, so your answer that I should try a different browser is irrelevant to my problem.

I can enter data from slips, but cannot enter any other data, such as address, answering the yes or no questions, etc.  I'm not using TurboTax online, so your answer that I should try a different browser is irrelevant to my problem, not to mention it's irritating to have to wait for a useful answer just because you assumed I was using the online version.  You could just as well have assumed I wasn't.  Why not provide the needed answer for either scenario at the initial request, if it's not clear which version the customer is using?

1 Reply

I'm not using TurboTax online, so your answer that I should try a different browser is irrelevant to my problem.

I would suggest trying a different browser when using TurboTax if you are experiencing this difficulty.