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Level 3
posted Feb 2, 2024 10:33:25 AM

Imported information disappeared or was deleted by Turbotax

I imported last year's taxes, my w-2, investments, etc and the first few times I saved it, it worked. But today when I pressed "save" it said "Could not be saved. Try re-starting..". After I re-started, turbo tax, it started the program as if I was a new user and all my previously saved data had disappeared!

I want to prevent this from happening again in the future. Was I supposed to press "save as" instead of the "save" button?

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1 Replies
Returning Member
Apr 30, 2024 10:41:59 AM

Hi thank you for your question, 

When you start TurboTax, the Welcome to TurboTax! page shows the tax returns you're currently working on, or that you've worked on recently.

  1. Select Continue your return next to the return you want to open

However, if your tax return isn't appearing on the Welcome to TurboTax! page, complete the following steps to open your tax return:

  1. From the TurboTax menu, select Open
  2. The Open window appears and displays the location where TurboTax saved your tax return.
  3. Select the file for your tax return and then select Open


If you are still unable to locate the file, there are a few possible causes:

  1. You're not logged in to your computer using the same account that you used when doing your taxes
  2. Your tax data files were deleted during an upgrade to a new version of Windows
  3. Your tax data files may not have been saved 

Hope this helps. 

Thank you for choosing TurboTax.