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New Member
posted Feb 26, 2023 2:42:13 PM

Industry code

HI there. I have a home base business that I have had for over 20 years. I have always used industry code 443144 now as I am ready to netfile my taxes Turbo Tax is saying it is the wrong code but I can not find one that will suit my business and get rid of the code.

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2 Replies
Feb 26, 2023 4:28:24 PM

What industry are you in?

Returning Member
Mar 14, 2023 5:51:58 PM

Can you find your new code in the NAICS Classification table at https://www.statcan.gc.ca/en/statistical-programs/document/naics2017v3_0-2022v1_0?  You enter the former code in "filter items" and it provides the new code.