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Returning Member
posted Apr 10, 2024 4:08:52 PM

International Student Netfile

This year, I worked in Canada while studying as an international student. When I get to the stage of submitting my provincial return to Revenue Québec, I receive the message: "You are not eligible for Revenue Québec Netfile because your SIN starts with 0 or 9, and you have indicated that this is your first year filing to Revenue Québec."


However, this is wrong, according to the Revenue Québec website, foreign students are exempt from this exclusion, and may use Netfile. I have indicated in my return that I am not a Canadian citizen. How can I get this error message to go away so I can use Netfile? I'm aware that I could mail in my return, but printing and mailing is costly and takes time.

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1 Replies
Apr 11, 2024 8:22:47 AM

Unfortunately, If you have a temporary identification number that begins with 0. you will need to print and mail your return to Revenu Quebec. 


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