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New Member
posted Oct 30, 2019 5:08:01 AM

Is there somewhere I can send a complete email to Turbo Tax. I have a lengthy complaint.

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New Member
Oct 30, 2019 5:08:03 AM

You can post your letter here on the forum, or feel free to send us a private message on our Facebook page. We'll make sure your feedback reaches the right team.

24 Replies
New Member
Oct 30, 2019 5:08:03 AM

You can post your letter here on the forum, or feel free to send us a private message on our Facebook page. We'll make sure your feedback reaches the right team.

New Member
Oct 30, 2019 5:08:04 AM

I was mislead by internet advertisements that completing my return on line would be free.  when I reached the section to submit my return, it asked for my credit card to charge me 15.95.  I decided that I want to delete my return but was told by your support that I cant delete my file.  this does not sit well with me, then a woman from your support line said it was disabled to just get me off the phone.  I have used the turbotax program for many years and am very unhappy about this problem

New Member
Oct 30, 2019 5:08:05 AM

We're sorry to hear your experience this year hasn't been ideal. I've escalated your feedback to the appropriate teams.

We do have a version that is 100% free to file. It sounds like you prepared your return in TurboTax Standard instead of TurboTax Free. When you called, the agent on the phone should have suggested you start your return over in our TurboTax Free edition. Once you started a new return, you would have been able to delete the Standard return you had prepared.

New Member
Feb 19, 2020 12:33:00 PM

I have made two attempts to fill out the "Request a Refund" form linked in the e-mail I received when I purchased the product.  Each time it said my phone number was too long? I am trying this out of desperation.

I would like a full refund of my purchase of February 16 of Turbo Tax Standard 2017 from Intuit: $41. (I can supply the order number if someone contacts me).

I have Windows 10. I started using the product on Feb. 18. The initial profile data went in o'kay, but once I started on the tax return data it got slower and slower. The blue ball would spin for five minutes or more and eventually didn't stop at all. A "not responding" message was on frequently. It became impossible to continue. I had the tech's at my computer service do a tune-up on my laptop. By the time they were finished, it was without cookies or caches, or anything suspicious at all. Everything was updated that could be. After three hours of that, I went back into the Turbo Tax and there was no change. It was impossible to use.

In the middle of the night I went to Turbo Tax Online and used it. I filed today and paid $41.98 to Turbo Tax. Basically I have paid twice.

I would like a full refund of the $41.99 that I paid for the downloadable version before I continue.


Feb 19, 2020 1:09:59 PM

Sorry to hear about the trouble you had with TurboTax download.


   Please contact our customer service for assistance 


New Member
Jun 3, 2021 8:38:56 AM

Hello Intuit, hello FOLUKE B., 

You should talk to your colleague, LINDA, before making false assumptions:

·        The software we are always using is the DELUXE (19,95) – we use the same every year

·        This year, we did our taxes with the Deluxe again, but before paying we made a mistake and have selected options we did not want.

·        We did not pay anything or agreed to anything, we called Intuit right away:

o   We spoke with LINDA - she spoke with an Intuit supervisor – we stayed on the phone with her and the supervisor for a good while

o   She asked that we paid the 109$ anyway, and Intuit will proceed to a refund, so we fall back to 19.99

o   we agreed to that, she gave us that number: [removed] as a reference of our discussion.

 Now, a refund was made, but I’m short, you still own me money, will you refund me?

And what I’m reading below, has nothing to do with me. I WANT MY MONEY BACK.

I need to know what you will do, are you still RESUFING TO REFUND ME?

Serge Gariépy

[phone number removed]

[email address removed]



Serge Gariépy
[phone number removed]
[email address removed]



Le mardi 1 juin 2021, 11:56:39 UTC−4, TurboTax Support <[email address removed]> a écrit :






Dear TurboTax Customer,

Thank you for contacting TurboTax Support.


Here is the information we discussed during our call:

When you go through the TurboTax Online experience, you are not prompted to pay until after you have fully prepared, and are satisfied with the return within TurboTax. The service paid for within TurboTax Online is the preparation of the return. By paying for this service, you are indicating that you are satisfied with the experience. Because of this, orders for TurboTax Online are not covered by our Satisfaction Guarantee.

Thank you,


Foluke B.


New Member
Apr 13, 2022 8:38:05 AM

I net filed my tax return by Turbo tax on March 3, 2022 but CRA says they didn't get it . What to do? Please check my file by the following email address


Arthur Monsebraaten


e mail address   [email address removed]

New Member
Apr 22, 2023 1:10:24 PM

I completed the taxes for my son at least a week ago and now I revisited the page to find it had not been submitted to CRA?


Having ultra service has taken control from my hands and I will not do it again. 


I signed the approval from last week but for whatever reason my return has not been filed.  I am extremely frustrated at having to keep revisiting this site with no one to contact but my expert who may be on vacation.  Who knows.  His out of the office is not on. 


Please submit my taxes! NOW or give me control to do it. 




Apr 26, 2023 6:59:31 AM

@dustinschell2009 In your return, your Expert’s name will appear beside "Documents" in the top right. You can click on the icon to send them a message.

Level 2
Apr 27, 2024 9:05:58 AM

I tried the online version for the first time this year and ultimately found that it does not appropriately handle the input dates for medical expenses. Despite putting in dates for a "twelve month period ending in the (tax) year", it defaulted to a calendar year basis and could not be resolved by support after more than two hours on the phone and four phone calls (two having been "disconnected"). I ultimately asked for and received a license key for the downloadable version of the software and proceeded as I have for many years as a Turbotax customer. I, of course, had to start the tax prep from scratch.


I asked for a supervisor to contact me regarding my experience and that has not year happened after almost three full days. I am very unsatisfied with my experience this year and want to be compensated for having spun my wheels for almost three hours with support and having to download and start my taxes over again. Intuit seems disinterested in resolving this. Very disappointed.

Apr 27, 2024 9:27:53 AM

We are sorry to hear that your experience with our phone support was less than optimal. 

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. 


 When entering a 12-month period for medical expenses, one common mistake many people make is entering the dates as November 23, 2022, to November 23, 2023. This will not work and it will automatically revert to January 1st, 2023 to December 31st, 2023. To avoid this issue, please enter the dates as November 23, 2022 to November 22, 2023. It is the difference of one day that will make all the difference.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Level 2
Apr 27, 2024 10:45:27 AM


That was definitely not the issue although also queried by phone support. Having spent over two hours with them trying to resolve this, it is clear that the software does not support a non-standard "year". I saw another suggestion somewhere that it needed to be the start of a calendar month of one year and the end of the calendar month in the tax year to be accepted. This is not true. For the record, I am a retired accountant of over three decades so I am familiar with the rules around this issue.


Having acquiesced and providing me with a license for a downloadable version of the software, I think it's pretty safe to assume that support had no solution and that the software is deficient. 


I note that you did not address my issue of not having been contacted by management.

Apr 27, 2024 10:57:14 AM

I have reached out and was waiting for a response from them, and yes, they will be contacting you. 

Thank you for your patience in this matter. 


Level 2
Apr 27, 2024 4:35:42 PM

Thank you @TurboTaxBrenda 


I was contacted earlier this afternoon and am hopefully on the way to a refund for the deficient software. 

New Member
Apr 29, 2024 4:18:02 PM

I have used turbo tax for many years. Last year I paid around $91. This year it was $207. When I phoned to say that I checked the wrong box and was charged over $100 too much I was told tough luck. There is no refund because you already paid. So I picked the upscale version by mistake and was charged for it even though I didn't use any of the upscale features and my response from costumer service is "too bad so sad sucks to be you". Then I get an email asking me to rate my experience with customer service. What can I say?

Level 2
Apr 29, 2024 4:26:13 PM

@Louand heather 

Well, you can be honest in your survey. I was and I wasn't kind. 


I have also been a user of Turbotax for well over a decade and this was the first and last time that I will use the online version.


Having said that, whether I am a customer next year is dependent on my refund for the current year's fiasco (pending) as well as the outcome of my request to receive a free license key for next year's software. Having spent close to three hours on the phone with support and with a supervisor in the aftermath, my time is worth far more than that. If they can't or won't recognize that, then I will say sayonara and I'll be happy to share my experience far and wide.


It seems that sometimes these companies fail to see the forest for the trees. They're prepared to sacrifice long-term relationships to save a couple of bucks, not recognizing the potentially far-reaching implications of those decisions...particularly in this age of social media.

Apr 30, 2024 10:11:11 AM

We are sorry to hear that your experience with our phone support team was less than optimal. We have sent a call-back request for you- concerning your refund.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member
May 6, 2024 8:40:07 PM

I would like to re-open my Case [phone number removed] because Turbo Tax did not work as expected for the Farm Income form T2040.  Could you add a rule that form T2040 will accept a Land Legal Description for the farm address?   
I know that I'm not the only Land owner that uses Turbo tax.  I can send you more information, but the issue should be well documented in my above case.    
Let me know if you have any questions.

May 7, 2024 6:14:53 AM

Could you contact our phone support so that they can verify your case and enter more documentation? 


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member
Jun 2, 2024 9:35:47 AM

On my TT tax return, I inadvertently omitted to enter my RIF income.  I had paid for the level of service that allows me to speak with an advisor, when the form was complete.  When we did speak, he reviewed my completed form, saying nothing about omissions (and I'm not blaming him).  Everything else appeared to be in order.


I submitted my tax return to CRA, and was even issued a refund payment.  It was at that point, that I realised I had omitted my RIF income.  I then arranged another 'real person' conversation with a different, and excellent advisor.


One of the first questions she asked me was 'did you receive income from a RIF' - to which I answered 'yes'.  My answer gave immediate direction to correcting my error.  The correction was made, my tax return was re-submitted, and it no longer keeps  me awake at night.


My key feedback is this:  Every in-person advisor (and even on the front page of the tax return form) should ask a series of simple questions, the answers to which, will reveal all areas of financial activity, that need to be included in the annual return.  This way, nothing will be missed.  


For example:

Q)  Are you receiving a pension?

Q)  Are you employed?

Q)  Did you sell anything for profit last year?

Q)  Did you receive money from anywhere else last year?

Q)  etc. etc. etc.


I can't be the only person who omitted important information that could have been spotted with this simple Q&A.


I consider myself very fortunate to have been allocated a TT tax expert with an abundance of common sense.  In this situation, common sense can be learnt, simply by replicating her Q&A approach to helping clients.  


I urge the entire TT organisation to adopt a simple Q&A strategy to help clients provide all relevant info to the tax authorities. 


It's 100% win/win.


Could the administrator for this page, please forward this message to the people handling TT Feedback?  

Thank you 👍



Level 2
Jun 2, 2024 9:55:59 AM

In the interest of full disclosure with my previously-reported issues with the online version, I have JUST received a refund cheque for the ill-fated software that I initially used this year.


That leaves only one outstanding issue which can't or won't be resolved until next tax season and that is the provision of a free license key for tax preparation next year. Intuit still has an opportunity to retain this long-time customer if they come through.

Jun 3, 2024 7:25:01 AM

Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate it and will forward the information to the appropriate department. 



Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member
Oct 14, 2024 6:15:22 PM

All I wanted to do was to order the TurboTax Premier Online 2024 program software; find out the cost; and have it added to my ScotiaVisa Account, so that I had the software in place for when I was ready to start my 2024 return.


After going through a lengthy process of answering a multitude of questions, I did not receive any of that information, and after contacting the CRA Website, as instructed, it seems that I was in the middle of completing and filing or changing my 2023 Income Tax, which was already filed on time, and the balance owing of $2,599.72 paid, and a Notice Of Assessement sent to me.  Very frustating.


I have significant hearing loss, despite using 2 powerful hearing aids, and telephone conversations can be very difficult, and that is why I prefer email communications.


Can you not tell me the price of the Turbotax Premier Online 2024 (Canadian) software, so that I can approve the purchase, and make sure you have my correct Scotiabank Visa account number, and download the program, so that it is readily available on my computer to start my 2024 return when I am ready to start the process?


Thank you,



[email address removed]


I dont think this is  a "Lengthy" complaint, but was all I could readily find.

New Member
Oct 14, 2024 6:20:38 PM