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New Member
posted Apr 2, 2020 11:14:12 AM

Joint Election to Split Pension Income

I use Turbo Tax Standard


My spouses information slip includes income tax deducted for both  both eligible and ineligible pension income.


How do I  input proportionate amount on line o (as per CRA direction) with out overriding Turbo tax and making it ineligible to file?

0 3 1210
3 Replies
Intuit Alumni
Apr 8, 2020 2:45:01 PM

If you are using Turbotax standard version or any other paid version, the split pension is automatically optimized unless you want to change the transferred amount. This calculation is not optimized in the free version. 


Line O is the tax deducted from the Pension eligible to transfer which is the amount you used in Line E.


This is a link on how the split pension optimizer work: 



I hope this was helpful


New Member
May 24, 2022 11:25:07 AM

My share was deposited into my account . I checked my wife's My Account and it says status of return , not received (2021 ) .

May 30, 2022 6:56:57 AM

If you see it saying not received you will need to open up your return and be sure that you actually did file your wife's return and not yours only. Once yours was filed you would have needed to continue and go to hers and file hers. If you did do this you should have a CRA Confirmation number beside her return when you open it up. If yes, please contact the CRA with that confirmation number. If not, simply go to File - continue and where you see her name click on NetFile- and file her return. 



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