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posted Mar 3, 2025 10:56:16 AM

Locked form

I was on support with someone for about an hour on the Canadian online turbotax. I am only submitting 2 t4s and was trying to submit a t5 but, deleted that. I was told that t5's are a locked form and "we are trying to update turbotax to match cra guidelines". 

Even though I do not have a locked form stated underneath the original posts of "Locked forms", I am locked out. Regardless if I try to start a new submission, it will bring me back to the locked forms page.

They told me to wait another week to let them have their stuff together. I originally submitted my taxes on the 21st of feb. Now they're telling me wait until the 10th of march and it'll be "fine". I've already paid, they gave me a code to redo it (Still got the same answer = locked forms) and I'm still stuck trying to find answers online. 

Is anyone else experiencing this? Should I move to a different product in Canada?

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