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Level 2
posted Apr 15, 2024 4:48:59 PM

Medical expenses

My Employer now shows on line 135 the annual premium I pay through them on line 135 of my T4.

This amount shows as my medical expenses but I have a lot of other medical expenses. Where do I show the other medical expenses. Thank you.

0 4 2371
4 Replies
Apr 15, 2024 5:28:40 PM

To enter medical expenses in TurboTax Online, click the Find tool (🔍) and search for “med” in the top box. Click “Medical Expenses Profile” in the bottom box to select it, and then click the Go button.

Level 2
Apr 17, 2024 11:08:42 AM

Hi Susan, thank you for your answer. I know how to do that but that is not the problem. My ex employer enters

in line 135 of info on my T4 the amount for the fee I pay to the Health insurance this automatically go to Medical Expenses but there is still the amount I pay for Medicals which is twice as much. Last year I solve the problem by

leaving the fee on my return and entering the real medical expenses on my wife's return. I don"t know if this

is beneficial for us. You see my wife stop working last year and because she was considered part time she was

awarded one third of the CPP and full amount for OAS. So not only she makes little income but because they

are pensions no tax is taken off. It is the same with split pension I still split my pension with my wife acording

to the program that is correct. Is the amount of return tax if any  smaller when splitting the meds? Thank you for your kindness. I apologize for the lengthy message. 8Sopranos



Intuit Alumni
Apr 17, 2024 12:25:15 PM

The way Susan said it, is the correct way to enter your other medical expenses. The part your employer entered as your premiums paid at work automatically goes from your T4 into your return under medical expenses. This is also the same place you can enter all your other expenses. Once this is done you can chose any or all of the amount to claim on your or your spouse's return. You can see if it is advantageous by watching the balance due or refund of your returns when you try out different amounts in each of your returns.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Level 2
Apr 17, 2024 2:13:54 PM

Good afternoon Ginette.

Thank you for your help. That is exactly the information I was looking for. It is very kind of you.
