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posted Mar 6, 2022 2:41:32 AM

Moving for work, but change to employment conditions

My spouse moved for work to a new city where her new employer was located.  However, though we started the moving process and entered into a purchase of a new home in the city of her new workplace, her eventual working conditions/arrangement did not require her to be physically present in the office (remote/work from home).  Since she did intend to move for work and incurred moving expenses, would she still be able to claim them or would they not be eligible since her new employment did not ultimately require her to be working from the city they are located?  Thank you!

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1 Replies
Level 3
Mar 7, 2022 2:08:50 PM

 Yes, an employee can claim moving expenses if they have moved to be employed with a new company or have taken a transfer with their current employer. 

As an employee you are transferred to a new location with the same employer, if your entire income from the year is reported on one T4 slip, you’ll need to determine how much of that income was earned after you moved to the new location.

  • Employees who work from home and have to provide a home office as a condition of employment may also claim moving expenses.

  • Moving expenses are claimed by completing the T1-M Moving Expense Form and claimed on Line 21900 – Moving Expenses.

More information about moving expenses can find in the TurboTax article Moving Tax Deductions in Canada.


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