If you didn’t submit your return to the CRA through NETFILE, the status will say “In Progress”.
Hello what is the meaning of my application is still on progress
If you didn’t submit your return to the CRA through NETFILE, the status will say “In Progress”.
Did you receive a confirmation email from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) when you Netfiled? If not, please see our TurboTax video: How to use NETFILE to file your tax return.
If you've already received the CRA confirmation code email, you can verify your MyAccount or contact the CRA by calling 1-800-959-8281 to verify the status of your return.
As per the CRA: Refund timelines
How you file your return can affect when you get your refund.
The CRA's goal is to send you a notice of assessment, as well as any refund, within the following timelines:
These timelines apply only to returns that are received on or before the due date.
The CRA may take longer to process your return if it is selected for a more detailed review.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
I filed for a retroactive lump sum payment I don't know what that is so it wouldn't let me netfile does that mean it still filed but it's mailing the tax return
No, it did not file. You will need to print and mail your return by post as it was ineligible for Netfile. Please follow the steps in the image below.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
If I did not use Netfile, does that mean I have to do all again? I do not have CRA account and don't know how to use it. Thank you.