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New Member
posted Mar 17, 2022 6:03:28 AM

No Canadian phone number for expert review

Hi TT team,

I purchased the TT full service for filing Canadian taxes.

I'm filing my taxes from the UK and do not have a Canadian phone number anymore. I'm wondering if you can supply a number which I will call instead of the expert calling me. The other options are: myself providing a zoom / microsoft teams number, or asking to call a Canadian friend who will then add me to the call as a conference.



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Returning Member
Mar 17, 2022 10:18:53 AM

Turbo Tax has a number that takes you to there general answering system but the peopel there have no direct access to full service.  I've callled in maybe 15 times and every time they take up an average of 57mins trying to send messages to the expert division.  I have to admit I did get a call back once about a week later from one of the operators to see if teh issue was resolved but she could offer no help with the resolution.