Turbotax Home & Business 2020 (CD/Download) flags an error if the Ontario Seniors Homeowners Property Tax Grant applied for with an accommodations (public long term care) amount without a separate property tax amount.
This is a bug. According to the CRA accommodations paid to a public LTC is enough to apply for the grant without additional property tax being paid.
"You may also be eligible for the 2021 Ontario energy and property tax credit (OEPTC) if you lived in Ontario on December 31, 2020 and at least one of the following applies:
- rent or property tax for your principal residence in Ontario was paid by or for you for 2020;
- accommodation costs for living in a public or non-profit long-term care home in Ontario were paid by or for you for 2020;
- home energy costs (for example, electricity, heat) for your principal residence on a reserve in Ontario were paid by or for you for 2020; or
- you lived in a designated university, college, or private school residence in Ontario in 2020."
Reference: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/provincial-territorial-programs/ontario-senior-homeowners-property-tax-grant-oshptg-questions-answers.html#q1https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/forms-publications/tax-packages-years/general-income-tax-benefit-package/ontario/5006-pc/information-residents-ontario.html#P5_oshptg
Note the language of "at least one" not "property tax" AND...
This is a basic rules error. Please fix.