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Returning Member
posted Apr 2, 2020 6:07:31 AM

Other Taxable Income - Can't get past form

I started to enter some information on the Other Taxable Income form, Schedule 1 Line 8. Then I found another place where that income should go. Now in Review, that form came back up and there is no box on it that allows me to enter anything. It says at the top 'Other taxable income for the taxpayer or other taxable income for the spouse should have a value.'


The box has my name and my SS#. Line 22 has '1042-S, Dividends', and no value, but I can't enter a value either.

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1 Replies
Employee Tax Expert
Apr 2, 2020 3:39:09 PM

You need to go back to where you entered the other taxable income and remove what you entered there as follows:


1. Go to the "Federal" section of TurboTax

2. Click on "Income and Expenses"

3. Find "Less Common Income" and choose the last entry "Miscellaneous Income"

4. On the next screen, "Miscellaneous Income" choose the last entry "Other Reportable Income"