I used turbo tax assist and review knowing I would need help navigating my taxes as it was the first year doing them post separation and apparently it did nothing but cost me more money then basic and now I owe over 3k to the CRA for errors that the people reviewing and walking me through "helped" me with.
I laid out my situation and got completely wrong info for my return. have 50/50 shared custody of two children, and I paid some child support on top of that so whoever "helped" me told me I was able to claim one child while my could claim the other as the elidable dependent amount line 30400. Apparently that is INCORRECT and only one person can claim one child, i'm assuming this is a fairly routine situation nowadays in this no fault world we live in so why was I given such bad advise that now im on the hook for? why the hell did I pay the extra money for this bad advise???