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Returning Member
posted Apr 12, 2024 4:17:57 PM

Possible Error with Turbo Tax Calculations

Hi, I did our return in February and the amount of our return was significantly lower than all the previous years. We usually get somewhere around the $3,000-$6,000 amount depending on which year it was. This year our refund was only $953 and I don't understand why it dropped so low. I assumed it must have been from the small increase in my husband's income, which wasn't much of an increase, just a few thousand more. I just finished doing my Mom's taxes and she makes significantly more than we do and she is getting more than $3,000 in her refund. I would like to know if there has been some sort of error in our return.

0 1 3299
1 Replies
Apr 13, 2024 9:38:42 AM

While it can be frustrating, it’s common for the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to make a tax return assessment that is different from yours. 


The reasons for these discrepancies may vary, and can range from very simple (typo or data entry error, forgotten slip, receipt, amount, etc) to complex (carry-forward amounts not included, accounting errors, etc).


In most cases, the CRA will explain how they calculated your tax refund or balance owing, and you can find this information on your Notice of Assessment (NOA), under the heading Explanation of changes and other important information. Compare the line numbers on your NOA and their corresponding values with those entered into TurboTax.