Hi! I’m trying to Netfile my mom’s return and the CRA one worked but the Revenu QC one says: The MDR901 element is invalid. The value (phone number) in invalid according to it’s data type. The pattern constraint failed.
I tried changing her phone number to the one at her residence vs the one that goes to her room directly but that didn’t work either. Help please!
The pattern of the phone number which means- put the proper phone number as requested xxx-xxx-xxxx You need to have it entered as shown with the hyphens and not use any brackets.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
Have you tried removing her phone number, and leaving it blank?
Hello @MoogleMoo13
MDR901 is the telephone number entered on TP-1029.61.MD Québec form on line 09.1
A valid telephone number should have 10 digits.
Thank you,
Magalie B.
That didn't work either as it won't let me leave it blank. But I tried inputting her number again and this time it went through so not too sure what happened there in the end! Thank you .