I need to add schedule 5 and cant seem to find it on turbo tax online/standard.
Schedule 5 - Amounts for Spouse or Common-Law Partner and Dependants has several credits on it, which one do you need? The Spouse/Common-Law Partner amount, Eligible Dependant amount or the Canada Caregiver credit?
Spouse/common law partner credit and dependant amount
If you are preparing your return together with your spouse/common-law partner, then TurboTax will automatically calculate the Spouse/Common-Law Partner amount based on your net incomes.
If you are preparing your return separately from your spouse/common-law partner, then TurboTax will ask you for information regarding your spouse/partner’s income. It will be on the My Info>Additional Information about [Name] page. TurboTax will use that info to calculate the Spouse/Common-Law Partner amount. This works the same if you separated/divorced during the tax year (2019).
For the Eligible Dependant amount, at the page located at Deductions>Additional Dependant Information, it will ask you for info on your dependant(s). Then later, at Claims For Dependants>Claims For Dependants Intro, it will ask if you want to claim any of the credits listed. Answer Yes, then click Continue. Next you’ll get a list of your dependants. Click on the Enter Credit Info link next to the dependant who you want to take the credit for. Check off Amount for an Eligible Dependant and any credits that you want to claim, and click Continue. Then, when you get to the Amount for an Eligible Dependant page, answer “Yes, Claim On My Return”. Click Continue to save you answer.
Please be aware that if you married, you can’t claim the Amount for an Eligible Dependant. If you were separated or divorced during the tax year (2019), you can claim either the spousal amount or the eligible dependant credit, but not both.
You can check what TurboTax Online has calculated for these credits using the Detailed Tax Summary. This FAQ shows how to get there: https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/community/tax-return-status/help/how-can-i-see-a-detailed-summa...
Line 30300 is the Spouse or common-law partner amount & Line 30400 is the Amount for an Eligible Dependant.
I have two clients and I want to claim the caregiver amount on one of them. The income for the person in need of care is $19381, the CRA mentions that you can claim the caregiver amount if the income is between $7159. and $23906 and to enter $2230 on line 51090. The program will not let me enter the $2230. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
Did you go to the INFOWS for the spouse who provides the care, and answer YES to the question “Is your spouse dependent upon you because of a mental or physical impairment? (Canada Caregiver Amount)”? If you do this, then TurboTax CD/Download should automatically enter an amount on line 51090.
I have the opposite problem; I would like to NOT claim the Canada Caregiver Amount on my father's return (i.e., I don't want him to claim the credit for my dependent mother), so I changed the line "Do you choose to claim the disability transfer (if applicable) from your spouse" on form INFOWS from yes to no; however, line 51090 on schedule 5 remains set to 2230.
The line "Is your spouse dependent upon you because of a mental or physical impairment (Canada Caregiver Amount)" is already not set to anything. I set it to no just to see if it would make a difference, but it did not.
If I try manually override 51090, then I get a warning that says "If you override this calculation, you cannot file this return using netfile". Is there a way to not claim the Canada Caregiver Amount for a spouse, and still be able to file using Netfile?
Edit: I seem to have found a way; say no to "Are you eligible to claim the spousal amount?" on form INFOWS.
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