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New Member
posted Apr 25, 2022 10:34:53 AM

Releve 27 for Quebec

Hello I have a Releve 27 receipt for Quebec , I do not see where I can enter the amount in the Turbo tax. I am using the standard version.


Please call if possible [phone number removed] 

0 4 1110
4 Replies
Apr 27, 2022 12:00:56 PM

In most cases, an RL-27 slip is issued for information purposes only. You do not have to enter it on your tax return. However, there are some exceptions:


If you hold a taxi owner's permit and have received a RL-27 slip indicating the allowance paid to compensate for the loss of value of your licence, you must enter the information found on your RL-27 slip in the Self-employment section to reduce the capital cost of the permit and the undepreciated capital cost (UCC) of the amortization category to which the permit belongs.


If you received a payment related to self-employment, you must reduce the amount of the corresponding expense or reduce the capital cost of the financed property or report it as other income in the Self-employment section of TurboTax.


To switch to the Self-Employment section of TurboTax Online:

  1. Click on Find (magnifying glass) in the top right-hand corner. 
  2. Type "self" in the box, then select "self-employment" from the list, and click “Go”.

Level 1
Apr 21, 2024 10:23:00 PM

Hi Susan. In Quebec I did receive a subvention from the government  for change my Heating system (Chaufez-Vert program. Now I did get a  #2 RELEVES 27 where could I enter the subvention amount if in the interview doesn't appear the releve 27 option? Thanks


Apr 22, 2024 7:57:41 AM

Are you a business? If not, then it doesn't need to be entered and if you are a business that claimed the replacement of the heating system then you will enter it under Income. 


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Level 1
Apr 22, 2024 4:45:33 PM

Thank you Brenda 👍