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New Member
posted Mar 12, 2023 4:36:29 PM

Requesting a refund

How do you request a refund for software that was purchased but could not be used due to computer issues.  The downloaded version was then purchased as well.

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1 Replies
Level 3
Mar 14, 2023 11:26:19 AM

You can request a refund for your TurboTax product(s) within 60 days of the original purchase date.

Simply fill out and submit the form below. When requesting a refund for a TurboTax product purchased through a retailer, include the licence code from the retail box or receipt.

To request a refund, please see our TurboTax FAQ: How do I get a refund for a TurboTax product?

If additional information is needed (such as proof of purchase, order number, etc.), a TurboTax representative will contact you to continue assessing your request.

Note: When entering your phone number, please don't include dashes.

Thank you for choosing TurboTax.