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Level 2
posted Feb 28, 2023 11:10:11 AM

Resident status for tax purposes query

While I was able to send tax return for 2022, from December 29th up until now I have been living outside of Canada, but still do have some ties to it, such as my health card of Ontario, a bank account, as well as the official id that Ontario provides (photo id).


My residential status did not change in 2022 due to being most of the time within Canada, however if I living abroad temporarily while searching for a job to return to Canada, does that make me a non-resident ? the country where I am temporarily living does have a tax treaty with Canada, how does this could affect my tax obligations ?


Wanted to know to if there are any considerations or time limits to be mindful for tax purposes.

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1 Replies
Returning Member
May 1, 2023 2:37:28 PM

Hey, You would be considered a non-resident if you stay in Canada for less than 183 days in the tax year or you normally, customarily, or routinely live in another country and are not considered a resident of Canada. You can find more information about your residency status here- https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-residents/individuals-leaving-entering-canada-non-residents/non-residents-canada.html#rsdncstts . Hope this helps.