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posted Mar 30, 2023 8:19:42 PM

Save file

Re. TT401 error code.  There are few suggestions to fix this issue, but many users are not computer savvy including myself!  Turbo Tax programmer should fix this bug.  If it's not fixed soon, by next update, I'll change program and ask Turbo Tax for refund - I've used TT for several years but this is the first time this kind of serious problem happened.

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1 Replies
Apr 1, 2023 4:19:52 PM

The TT401 indicates that an error has occurred while saving your return and can happen for many different reasons.  This message usually occurs because you are trying to save to a location that:

  • You don’t have permission to save to (ex: another user’s folder)
  • Is not available (ex: a USB drive that’s been removed)
  • Has another issue, such as it’s full, or read only

So please double check where you are saving your file.


You can also try saving the file to a different place (such as the desktop) or with a different name. To do this, choose File> Save As from the top left corner.


If you aren’t able to Save or Save As to anywhere, then there may be an issue with your installation of TurboTax. You should uninstall it and then use the download from our website to reinstall it. You can download TurboTax from here: https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/community/product-information/help/where-can-i-download-the-cd-download-edition-of-turbotax/00/873703


Unfortunately, if you can't save your return, you'll have to start over. Since TurboTax CD/Download doesn’t save to our servers like the Online versions do, we have no way to help you recover the data.