Error message comes back even I entered correctly.
>The sum of box 52 and box 53 (T3) must equal the total capital gain or loss in box 21 of your T3 slip. Please review your imported data.<
I entered same number made made sure 52 + 53 = 21, still error message appears.
21 Total capital gain 1,557.80
52 Total Capital gains before June 25, 2024 817.22
53 Total Capital gains after June 24, 2024 740.58
I rounded the decimals.
21 1,558.00
52 Total Capital gains before June 25, 2024 817.00
53 Total Capital gains after June 24, 2024 741.00
It worked. No more error message.
Is this OK to do?
Unfortunately, at the moment the Schedule 3 is locked, so you won't be able to file at all if you have Capital Gains. We're working hard to finalize this form to align ourselves with CRA requirements, and we hope to have it ready soon.
You can see a list of Forms that still locked here: Why does TurboTax say my forms are locked or haven't been finalized?
Why my husband's return doesn't get error message? He has capital gains on T3.
When is it going to be fixed? How do you let us know?
Thank you for reply.
Do you mean your husband was able to file his return? Or that he's not getting the same error on his T3 slip?