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posted Mar 1, 2025 12:33:14 PM

T4 and Releve 1 don't match

I live in Quebec but work in Ontario. I get a T4 and a releve 1 (which has benefits on it). They obviously don't match, since the releve 1 only has additional benefits on it. It isn't letting me file my return online. I get this error code: "You releve 1 and t4 entries don't match. The total of boxes B-A, B-B, B1 and B-2 of your releve 1 must equal the total of boxes 16, 16A, 17 and 17A of your T4."


How do I fix this without falsely reporting what is on my releve 1?

0 1 177
1 Replies
Mar 2, 2025 9:34:17 AM

To start, grab your T4 slip and find the amount of income tax deducted. Note this amount on line 437 of your federal return. Then, multiply this number by 45 percent and write the result on line 438. Finally, transfer that amount to line 454 of the return you submit to Revenu Québec. For more information please refer to this link from TurboTax Hub and CRA.

For more information please contact CRA and Revenu Quebec.


Thanks for TurboTax.