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Returning Member
posted Mar 10, 2022 2:43:53 PM

T4A and box 205 seniors one time payment

Inputing $500 for seniors one time payment in box 205 in T4A pensions, retirement, annuity and other income will not transfer to the summary page-- it inputs 0.00 instead.  Most other boxes in the T4A list do the same thing.

Is there a solution or is this a problem in the turbo tax program?

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1 Replies
New Member
Mar 11, 2022 10:51:37 AM

I am having a similar problem. I entered $500 and then as I recall a second screen came up and I entered it again. Line 205 shows $500 however, on income summary comes out as $1,000. The only way I have been able to reduce is by making line 205, 0.00 then other income comes to $500 which is right. However, if CRA look at line 205 and it is 0.00 then they will probably say I have not inputted this amount on my return correctly and want more money.

Is there away to adjust line 205 so it shows $500 and other income on the income summary comes out as $500 not $1,000? Thanks.