There is an issue with the capital gains calculation. Total Capital Gains Amount from T5008 entries are not multiplied by 50% before transferred to line 127 (Taxable Capital Gains). The capital gains calculation from T3 entries are multiplied by 50%. This increases the Total Income resulting the increase amount of Income Tax payable. I have done the calculation by hand confirming the error.
The T3-Box 21 Capital gain /loss is also wrongly multiplied by 50% for the purposes of calculating the amount available for loss carry back when the request for loss carry back is opened.
I an entering my husband's and my return simultaneously to find out if there are advantages to splitting income I can enter all my husband's stock trading income and it comes up correctly as 50% taxable. The program will not allow to enter trades on the same kind of screen and it adds 100% of the trading gains into income - will not take in the 50% taxable. I have checked to make sure we have the same boxes checked off on the initial interview screen.