My 2023 Turbotax Canada software opens fine in Windows 11, however the top and bottom toolbars are of an inappropriate size (generally too small amd unreadable) and it does not appear that this can be adjusted. The text/form sizes can be adjusted, however the toolbars remain at an uselessly small size. Any ideas or is this a bug that needs fixing?
Unfortunately, there’s no way to change the size of the blue menu items within the TurboTax program.
You can go into the settings for Windows and change the scale setting, but this will apply to all programs on your computer, not just TurboTax.
There is also a magnification tool built into Windows that will make the whole screen bigger.
So it appears that this is a bug. Please pass it on to your technical team. I have a very ordinary laptop setup and the solutions proposed are not practical/do not fix the issue.
I have passed this on to our product development team.
I have the same issue for both bottom and top toolbars.
Because of multiple issues (not with Turbo Tax) I have been working for weeks trying to get my tax return prepared. Now, all of a sudden this issue shows up. But it showed up only after a change in the way I viewed things on the screens. The problem showed up when I extended the screens.
When I duplicated the screens, closed the program and reopened TurboTax, the problem went away.
My laptop is my only computer, but I use a larger screen at my desk.
Thank you for your feedback we appreciate it.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
Just purchased this years SW. Still messed up...been like this for a few years now. Also the summary panel does not tile sensibly with the SW. I've been a user of this SW from day one but this is the last year for me.
@SRideout Thank you for your feedback, we value your opinion and have shared this information with the proper TurboTax team.
For your summary, you can call our customer support at 1-888-829-8608.
During tax season (February 20 to May 1), we're available 7 days a week during these hours:
• 9 AM to midnight ET for English support
• 9 AM to 9 PM ET for French support
During the rest of the year (May 2 to February 19), we're available Monday through Friday 9 AM to 6 PM ET for English and French support.
Phone support is closed on the weekends for now.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
Same issue here, again this year. I debated not using TurboTax this year because it is such a frustrating problem, and the help phone line does not have a solution, or understanding of the issue for that matter. Lack of interest in looking into the issue is my best summary.
It's not just the toolbars on the home screen. Once inside a return, the pop up windows for inputting things like T4 slips is so messed up you can not enter anything.
So I thought a year later, it would be a known issue and fixed for the 2024 tax year software. Wrong, not fixed!
It seems to be a 4k screen compatibility issue. Would be nice if someone could be dedicated to the issue and find a solution.
The suggested fix does not work. It just changes the form text size, not the toolbar size. Intuit needs to seriously address this as it as a multi-year issue that is quite annoying to users.
@johnhmoore01 Unfortunately, there’s no way to change the size of the blue menu items within the TurboTax program.
You can go into the settings for Windows and change the scale setting, but this will apply to all programs on your computer, not just TurboTax.
There is also a magnification tool built into Windows that will make the whole screen bigger.
That is the problem, so there is a bug in the software in that the toolbar does not display correctly. It is inconceivable and somewhat pathetic that Turbotax is the only software on the planet that cannot display a simple toolbar correctly with a size that is compatible with the other displayed text.
Thank you for your feedback, we value your opinion and have shared this information with the proper TurboTax team.
Thank you for choosing TurboTax.
This can be fixed by changing the DPI (dots per inch) scaling of the Turbotax application by using the Windows 11 operating system, as follows.
Right-click on the Turbotax icon and select open file location, or navigate to the Turbotax executable (.exe) file by any means. Then Right Click on the Turbotax executable file. Select Properties >> Compatibiity >> DPI scaling. Select System (Advanced) Apply , OK, and then exit.
The font should be readable the next time Turbotax is started. It works for me.
I was able to fix the issue with a similar approach. The magic combination was:
Right-click on the Turbotax icon and select open file location, or navigate to the Turbotax executable (.exe) file by any means. Then Right Click on the Turbotax executable file. Select Properties >> Compatibiity >> Change High DPI settings, then Setting Program DPI on and High DPI scaling override to System (Enhanced).
Thanks for the hint!
Thank you 4039712 and johnhmoore01 for digging into this issue and finding a solution. This worked for me as well on Windows 10. Good timing, as I was just starting to look into alternative tax preparation software providers because of this.
Moderators, take note, it was not Turbo Tax/Intuit employees or programmers that finally found a solution. This does not speak well for your tech support. This is the second year in a row I (and apparently others) have been chasing an answer to this issue with the same moderator or tech support suggestions with no resolution from the manufacturer. Shame on you.
Send these two users a paycheque for their time and effort. Their help was greatly appreciated.