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Trying to enter my son's birthdate. it asks for dd/mm; I tried with and without the '/' mark but it says it is not a valid entry?

3 Replies

Trying to enter my son's birthdate. it asks for dd/mm; I tried with and without the '/' mark but it says it is not a valid entry?

Please make sure you are only typing it in using numbers - no special characters or spaces. There should be 8 numbers and the format to use is DD/MM/YYYY. Ex: If your birthday is April 5 1954, then you would type: 05041954

You may want to select and delete everything in each box before retyping, just in case there is a hidden space causing the problem.

Trying to enter my son's birthdate. it asks for dd/mm; I tried with and without the '/' mark but it says it is not a valid entry?

Keeps giving me message from webpage saying enter date in format of dd/mm/yyyy which I did then it repeats and I cannot proceed

Trying to enter my son's birthdate. it asks for dd/mm; I tried with and without the '/' mark but it says it is not a valid entry?

Are accidently entering an O instead of a zero?  Please send me how you entered it and we will verify on our end. 


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