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New Member
posted Jul 28, 2023 4:19:43 PM

Turbo Tax is transferring a different tuition amount than what is calculated on kid's returns.

There appears to be a glitch in the tuition amount transferred in the 2022 edition.


I double checked again, and although I input all of the information from my two children’s income tax returns exactly as requested within the software for my 2022 return, it calculated that I  was having $5000 transferred from both kids as opposed to $5000 from one and 2891.44 from the other as calculated by their individual returns. Perhaps the software was considering previous years carry forward tuition amount?

According to one son's return, the maximum he was allowed to transfer to me was $2891.44. According to the other son's return, his maximum was the full $5000. 

There is no way to override how much Turbotax calculates as a transfer amount from my kids Income tax returns. It is calculated automatically from entering information from specific lines on their returns and it doesn't even show you how much that is. In my case it calculated 5000 for each.  This has triggered an audit on myself. 


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1 Replies
New Member
Aug 1, 2023 6:48:14 AM

Not sure if I was supposed to pose this as a question, but if someone from TurboTax could explain this that would be great because it has caused me to lose some confidence in the program that I have used for many years.