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posted Aug 27, 2023 12:44:36 PM

Turbo Tax

I rec'd a 1099 from a brokerage company for RMD.  although this is not subject to NYS income tax and therefore did not have any NY distribution, there was a NY withholding tax listed on the 1099.  Turbo Tax would not allow any amount listed for the withholding tax since there was no NYS distribution listed.  i therefore needed to omit this withholding tax from the return in order to e-file the return.  this will cause me to need to call NYS to resolve this issue.

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1 Replies
Sep 26, 2023 12:05:01 PM

Please direct your question to TurboTax US- at the following link as this is TurboTax Canada.  TurboTax Community 


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