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New Member
posted Apr 29, 2023 3:14:57 PM

Turbotax 2022 crashes

When I go to print a federal return, or print a Netfile confirmation, Turbotax 2022w crashed (closes after a few seconds). The issue is reproduceable, however, does not occur every time (occurs 50%+). I uninstalled and re-installed the software. I downloaded the most recent version as of April 29. I was able to Netfile eventually, however, would like the problem resolved. Also, at times the software will close when opening an existing return. I have many previous year versions of Turbotax on the same Windows 10 PC with no issues. 

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1 Replies
Level 1
May 1, 2023 10:27:53 AM



Sorry to hear you had trouble but glad you were eventually able to file. We will make our team aware of the errors.


Thanks for using Turbotax!