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New Member
posted Apr 2, 2020 2:41:35 PM

TurboTax claiming tuition amounts not entered or imported from anywhere?

Filling out my return is normally easy and accurate. This year, I import all the forms, enter the manual information, and go to review - and find that, somewhere, I seem to be claiming a significant tuition expense on Line 32300, which is weird because I was not a student in 2019. I review the entire Students section of the interview, and sure enough, I have not entered any tuition expenses, either manually or via (non-existent) T2202. The entire Students section is actually empty (apart from carryover amounts from previous years, whch are accurate), yet somehow Line 32300 shows a gigantic claim. TurboTax seems to be creating a claim amount out of thin air.


Is there some easily-missed part of the process (or a change in tax code, I suppose) that would explain why I'm suddenly claiming so much tuition despite not being a student?


Barring that, is there any way to manually correct this before I file, or would that be limited to a different product?

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1 Replies
Intuit Alumni
Apr 8, 2020 2:53:17 PM

There is no mistake. As I understood:

  • you have no 2019 tuition amount. 
  • you have a huge carryforward tuition amount from prior years
  • you see an amount in Line 32300 "Your tuition, education, textbook amounts"

Line 32300 reports both current and carryforward tuition and education amounts. You might have an income this year that triggered the software to use the carryforward amount to reduce your non-refundable tax credit (Line 350). This will increase your refund for this year.


I hope this was helpful