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Level 2
posted Jan 13, 2022 8:35:00 PM

Turbotax keeps showing an "Oops error" when I try to enter my self-employment information and after asking for form T1139. It has been a week and still unresolved?

I phoned and talked to an agent, she said this was being experienced by many but is still unresolved. Any clues?

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3 Replies
Intuit Alumni
Jan 14, 2022 6:24:40 AM

Can you please confirm with us which TurboTax software and version you are using? Are you using Online or CD/Download?

Are you stuck on the error page or can you click on a Back or Continue button? 

This information is required so we can possibly replicate the error message you are receiving so we can find the resolution.

Level 2
Jan 14, 2022 7:26:34 AM

I'm using the online version. The error appears right after I fill out my basic information under self-employment and right after a question about filling out a T1139 form. There is no "back" button, only an option to restart the interview all over again (which I have done multiple times and nothing changes) or to create a new return from scratch (which would be a pain as I'm filling this along with my husband and using a pre-filled option as we have been using Turbotax for years). I phoned Turbotax last week and was told this issue was happening to many other customers and they were on it so it would be solved by this week, but is Friday and nothing has changed.

Intuit Alumni
Jan 14, 2022 11:17:56 AM

Yes, we are working on this issue and will be updating you as soon as possible.

Thank you for this information.