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New Member
posted Apr 8, 2023 3:23:34 PM

Turbotax Premier Online Edition Purchase at Costco - Issue with Additional Payment for Returns

To whom it may concern,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to bring to your attention an issue I encountered with Turbotax Premier online edition, which I recently purchased from Costco and activated using the following activation code: xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx.

After successfully using the software to fill out my son's tax return, I encountered an unexpected request for payment when I attempted to fill out my wife's and my own returns. The software prompted me to pay an additional $31.99 per return, despite the fact that I still have 11 returns remaining on my account.

As per my understanding, the Turbotax Premier online edition includes the ability to file multiple returns, and I was not expecting to incur any additional charges for my remaining returns. I would greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter and ensuring that I am able to file my family's tax returns without incurring any additional charges.

Please advise me on the necessary steps to avoid paying $31.99 per return for my remaining returns, as I believe this may be an error or misunderstanding. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your prompt assistance.

Best regards,

0 3 1863
3 Replies
Apr 9, 2023 3:56:05 PM

Please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608 as they will be better able to assist you.


New Member
Mar 8, 2024 12:18:55 PM

I am experiencing the same issue. I spent so many hours filling out me and my husband's taxes and then it asked me to pay. IT IS SO FRUSTRATING! Apparently, there are many versions of the online app and I had no idea! I just logged in and went ahead filling out info just to find out it's a different version. I picked ONLINE version because I thought it auto updates but it just confuses you. I called support and they cannot help at all.  

Intuit Alumni
Mar 8, 2024 12:27:01 PM

Were you trying to use the free return? There might be donations in box 46 of your T4 or Employee-paid premiums (medical) in box 85 of your T4 which would require an upgrade to allow you to claim additional credits not included in the free version. Please see the list below enumerating what is or is not included in the free version.

Simple tax returns include:

Employment income

Pension income

Other employment income such as tips

RRSP contributions

Child care expenses

COVID-19 benefits and re-payments

Unemployment (EI) and social assistance

Worker’s compensation

Disability amount

Worker’s benefit

Amount for eligible/infirm dependents

Tuition, scholarships, bursaries, grants, student loan interest

Caregiver tax credit

Disability transfer

Home accessibility tax credit

Tax on RESPs and RDSPs

Tax installment payments

Age amount

Income, credits, and deductions not listed above are not covered by TurboTax Free, including:

Employment expenses (meals, lodging, etc.)


Medical expenses

Investment income and expenses

Rental property income and expenses

Self-employed income and expenses

Unfortunately, there is no way to downgrade a TurboTax product once it has been upgraded.  If you are using TurboTax Online, you’ll need to start a new return to change your product. To start a new return, select “Start a New Return” from under “My Returns” in the top left corner. Once you have started your new return, you can select “View All Returns” from under “My Accounts & Returns”. Then delete the unwanted return by clicking the small Trash Can next to it or “Delete” under the return’s name.

Thank you for choosing TurboTax.