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Level 2
posted Feb 28, 2023 9:02:58 PM

Turbotax warning says Your CPP/QPP or EI overpayment is greater than $750.00.

Warning says CPP/QPP or EI is overpayment is greater than $750. Please verify your information slips and all related entries. However, have checked entry and schedules multiple times and entry is correct and CPP and EI  repayment amount is only around $40, not over $750.  

0 11 2176
11 Replies
Level 2
Mar 5, 2023 5:51:48 PM

I am having this same issue.  I have verified the T4 is entered correctly multiple times.

On line 44800, CPP overpayment shows $115.  On line 45000, EI overpayment is zero. 

Total amounts for CPP and EI paid on T4 total less than $750, so it seems impossible to overpay by this amount in my case.

I think there is a bug in the software.

Mar 8, 2023 5:28:26 PM

If this is a warning and not a error then it is advising you to double check. Once you have you can then continue through to NetFile your return. 


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Level 2
Mar 8, 2023 8:55:09 PM

I don't believe your answer makes sense.  Doesn't matter if it is an error or a warning, TurboTax is incorrect.  The overpayment is much less than $750 and this warning should not be occurring at all.  

New Member
Mar 11, 2023 9:42:22 PM

I did try to continue through Netfile, but it is impossible because of the warning.

Level 2
Mar 12, 2023 6:33:16 AM

Click on the  APPLIES TO ME or FIX button and click IGNORE

Level 2
Mar 14, 2023 4:47:07 PM

This is a BUG in the software and, quite frankly, a pain in the ass. It's not rocket science (more like grade 2 math) to make sure the return actually has an overpayment of $750 before flagging it as a warning. It shows up on ALL of my returns and NONE of them has an overpayment greater than $750.00. I've wasted my time confirming that, return by return, because I had no idea if maybe one of these times the software was accidentally correct. What a source of confusion and inconvenience for probably everybody using the software this year! Hope this is fixed for next year. Providing an update AFTER people have filed their returns is useless.

Intuit Alumni
Mar 16, 2023 7:07:46 AM

Thank you for your feedback, we believe your best option is to contact our telephone support team for further assistance, as they have the option to view your screen to help resolve the issue. To contact them, please follow this link: Contact Us

​​​​​​​Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Level 2
Mar 16, 2023 7:35:47 AM

Well, it appears many of us have already done that and it is clear there is a bug in the software.  I was on the phone for almost an hour and they still could not resolve the issue. 


Perhaps fix the bug and update the software so we are not all continually getting this error/warning message.


New Member
Mar 27, 2023 11:14:41 AM

I have done all that was suggested even the contact us link.  No help, I am now, according to the netfile page I am now locked out and sitting on the phone to Revenue Canada for up to a 2 hour wait.  This error should be fixed immediately!!

New Member
Apr 28, 2024 5:50:58 AM

What does the clicking the button Applies to me does in this case? Will it make any entry in the return form?

Intuit Alumni
Apr 29, 2024 10:11:56 AM

If it is a Warning and not an Error, then it can be ignored and skipped. The Warning alert does not automatically mean something was done or entered incorrectly. It can be triggered if a high amount of certain credits or deductions are being claimed. Click on Review to verify that the right amount has been entered by clicking on "Applies to me". Once reviewed you can click "Done with warnings" and return to your review. 

Warnings are there just to ensure that if the situation applies to you, you can go back and make any necessary modifications.
Errors, on the other hand, will prevent you from filing because something in your return is incorrect and the return will not be accepted by the Canada Revenue Agency.

Thank you for choosing TurboTax.