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New Member
posted Feb 27, 2021 3:33:02 PM

Unable to claim Canada Workers Benefit

Turbotax 2020 Premier has put an "x" in box 38100 "Do you have an eligible dependent?" on Schedule 6 even though I have an eligible dependent.  When I double-click on the "Yes" option to place an "x" there the dependent information form appears.  On that form I have two children that show "No" beside "Eligible Dependent" and one child with "Yes".  Why is Turbotax putting an "x" in box 38100 when Schedule 6 shows I have one Eligible Dependent?

0 5 4061
5 Replies
Level 15
Feb 27, 2021 4:38:40 PM

Hi Shane, 


We are currently experiencing a problem with the software when claiming the Canada Worker's Benefit and the Amount for an Eligible Dependant on Schedule 6.


As soon as the issue is resolved we will be advising our customers so they can proceed with completing their tax returns. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have this resolved quickly.

New Member
Mar 1, 2021 4:49:59 PM

Thanks TurbotTaxModerator Kim

How will we be advised when this issue is resolved? Will there be an email sent or do I just have to keep checking for a software update when I open the program?  Thanks.

New Member
Mar 3, 2021 4:29:27 PM

Is there a timeline for this fix?

Level 1
Mar 8, 2021 4:00:02 AM

My spouse and I do easy forms and make income over 50,000.  Mine 30,000 spouse 23,000 . We have one child. Why is turbo tax automatically giving us credit for canada workers benefit even though we make more than the 37,000 fam threshold. Later it says there is no draw back to claiming and we have option to click yes or no to claiming. As soon as we click no we owe like 800 dollars. Should we be claiming it or not

Level 1
Jun 9, 2021 9:23:19 AM

i have a similar situation with those situations above - in 2019, TurboTax allowed CWB disability supplement under individual income and CRA took it - in 2020, TurboTax allowed CWB disability supplement under individual income and CRA did not take it so we owed tax, this is inappropriate as CRA said they adjusted the income to family not individual while TurboTax stated individual and not family - something needs to be fixed