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New Member
posted Apr 15, 2021 1:16:26 PM

Unused provincial tuition - how to claim

I want to claim unused tuition from previous years (provincial) but there is no option to do so on Turbotax - there is only the option to claim unused tuition from previous years (FEDERAL). How can I fill this in? I am using the turbotax online option

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2 Replies
Level 5
Apr 16, 2021 3:37:55 PM

To claim your unused tuition amount on your return, the following steps will guide you through the process.

  1. Select the "Find" icon on TurboTax and type Students.
  2. Select Students from the list, and then click "Go". The "Your Student Profile" step appears.
  3. Select "Unused tuition fees and education amounts from previous years" and then select "Continue".
  4. You should now be able to enter any unused federal and provincial tuition and education amount where appropriate.
  5. After you are finish click "Continue" and you should be presented with your Student Summary page.

Keep note that if you resided in a province or territory other than Ontario on December 31, 2017, you cannot claim unused provincial tuition and education amounts. Also, as of 2017 and later years, the federal education and textbook amounts have been eliminated. However, if you have unused federal education and textbook amounts from prior years (before 2017), you can still carry them forward to your 2017 and future returns.


To find out more about Tuition Tax Credits, please see our TurboTax blog below:

Understanding Tuition Tax Credits 

New Member
Apr 18, 2021 2:56:27 PM

Hi there, unfortunately your response is not correct for those outside of Ontario.  If you have tuition credits in one province, you must live in that one provide to use it. So Ontario credits as per your note can only be used in Ontario. But in Saskatchewan, I can use Sask provincial credits.


The issue is with the Turbo Tax software.


The Turbo Tax program has a space to use previous years federal tuition credits, but it does not have a page to use previous years provincial tuition credits. I also called the help line, and they said it is an issue with your software.