Help for Canadians trying to enter this info:
Hello! Had the EXACT problem. Just spend 1.5 hours on the phone with an agent trying to sort out the issue. I was finally able to successfully upload my Netfile to the CRA on the 4th attempt!!
Okay, so there are two sections where you can enter your tuition information, first column is listed as Jan - Sept 4, 2017, enter the total amount of tuition and enter the amount of months (all of this comes from your T2202A form)- this will appear under your Provincial section. Then under the column titled Total 2017, write the same amount of tuition money, and then write the full amount of months you have attended. This will be your Federal amount. Remember, you cannot have the same number of months in both columns. If you attended a post-secondary institution for the months of January to December 2017, you will most likely have 8 months under the first column, then 12 under the second. I am the unusual student who did indeed attend school for 12 months straight, so I have my status as a full-time student as 8 months in the first column, then 12 under the second. You may have to play around with your time spent at school based on your status as a student (be it part time or full time) and which semesters you attended.
I truly hope this helps.